Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thomas Salinas Meets Nancy Porter

Nancy Athena Porter and spouse, Thomas Perez Salinas
Thomas Salinas And Wife Nancy Porter

From the book I am writing about our grandmother Nancy Athena Porter:

In Bertha's words: "I was sitting on the steps of our little 2 room house chewing on a crust of dried bread. Thomas Salinas came walking by and asked why I was eating that. I said that was all we had to eat. He then went to my aunts house and asked if that was true? She said it could very well be so.

So he went to the store and bought a steak and all the trimmings. He got my Aunt to take him and introduce him to my mother. He told her he was a bachelor and very hungry for some home made cooked food. Would she please cook him this dinner and eat it with him. He had been a neighbor of our Aunt and she approved of him. So mother agreed. After that he was always looking for ways to help us."

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